SHAKEN Goes Global: Opportunities and Challenges for Service Providers and Regulators Worldwide
Keeping the voice ecosystem safe and attractive for consumers and business is an objective we all share. Fortunately, progress with STIR/SHAKEN, centralized caller verification via Registered Caller™ and the emergence of Rich Call Data is having a significant impact on the way we connect and communicate.
During SIPNOC 2022, George Cray, Senior Vice President of Information Solution Products & Services at ǶƵ, joined executives from ATIS, Microsoft and Bandwidth for the panel session, “SHAKEN Goes Global: Opportunities and Challenges for Service Providers and Regulators Worldwide.”
This panel explored the need for a set of shared, technological best practices that extend across country borders to protect consumers from illegal and nuisance robocalls, including how brand identifiers, policy administrations, associations, regulators and service providers are turning unknown, legitimate callers into known and trusted entities. The virtual panel session took place on March 23, 2022, at 3:00 PM EDT.
You can view the on-demand version of the session .