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STI-GA Enhances STIR/SHAKEN Functionality to Authenticate Broader Range of Calls

A major advance in the industry-driven work to mitigate illegal robocalling.

The Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) today announced the launch of new STIR/SHAKEN functionality, expanding caller ID authentication reach with the use of delegate certificates and by allowing Resp Orgs, the companies responsible for assigning toll-free telephone numbers, to directly join the SHAKEN ecosystem. The new software launches on October 22.

Delegate certificates, as defined in an ATIS standard, are optional tools designed to help providers better determine the proper level of “attestation” for a call, or a caller’s right to use a certain phone number. Determining this right is one of STIR/SHAKEN’s most important contributions. A call receives the top level of attestation (A-level) only if the service provider signing it can identify the end user and attest to their right to use that telephone number for outbound calls.

Read the full release .